Magnetotherapy, Inhalation treatment, Paraffin hand compress, Dry Carbon dioxide bath, Oxygen therapy
Treatment by means of an electromagnetic field, helps with many chronic and acute diseases and conditions after injuries, circulatory disorders. The effect is noticeable only after repeating the procedures, directly, as in other types of electrotherapy. Magnetic therapy convenient for: Treatment of chronic diseases of the joints and spine. Diseases and conditions after injuries of the motor apparatus. Treatment of circulatory disorders of the extremities. Inhalation therapy is the introduction of medicinal and biologically active substances suspended in the air into the body for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Usually, when inhaled, mineral water is used, both independently and together with medicinal additives. Mineral water used in this procedure improves the function of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, has an anti-inflammatory effect, dilutes sputum, and simplifies coughing. Paraffin hand compress provides excellent hydration of the skin of the hands, restoring its water balance, healing cracks, whitening the skin, reducing pain in cases of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Paraffin therapy is especially effective in the off-season, when the skin on the hands is chapped, flaky and cracked. The result after the procedure is immediately visible, the skin becomes soft, smooth and tender. Especially paraffin therapy sessions are recommended for people with very dry skin of the hands. Dry (gas) carbon dioxide bath. During the procedure, the gas easily reaches the deep vessels, penetrating through the skin of a person, lowering the level of blood pressure, affects the nerve endings. Indications: disorders of arterial and venous circulation, hypertension, some skin diseases. Oxygen therapy is a therapeutic procedure in which the patient is given a concentrated gas cocktail with an increased oxygen content in the form of inhalation. The purpose of the procedure is to saturate the body with more oxygen than it can get from the air. Due to this, tissue cells can produce more energy, grow faster and regenerate, so the healing of wounds and inflammatory processes is accelerated, and the aging process of the body slows down. Oxygen therapy is a universal method, it acts not only on the diseased organ, but on the whole body. Oxygen therapy is also prescribed for diseases of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system or the nervous system. You can use this therapy not only for diseases, but also in healthy people for the purpose of prevention to strengthen immunity, to remove fatigue and improve sleep, to mitigate the signs of menopause in women.